This is how I embraced NUTRITION during my cancer-healing process. 

My First Detox:

Carrot Juice

During my shift to the holistic path, I crossed paths with Dr. Ludwig Johnson, who introduced me to my initial detox routine:

  • 40 ounces (5 x 8oz glasses) of carrot juice daily for five straight days.

Three days before beginning the detox:

  • No dairy products
  • No grains (beans, lentils)
  • No cereals (rice, corn, oats)
  • No seeds (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, peanuts)

If you are interested in learning how I did this detox, click this link below×5-en/

My Second Detox:

Plant-Based Diet Program

While transitioning from conventional Western medicine to a holistic approach I came across Chris Wark, a survivor of Stage 3 colon cancer who had developed a program for individuals facing cancer. This program, known as ‘Square One,’ became my primary source of guidance as I committed to embracing a plant-based diet to regenerate my cells, improve cellular oxygen supply, and bolster my immune system.

If you would like to discover additional details about the way I underwent this program, select the link provided below

Educate Myself:

Health Restoration

Eliminating cancer and restoring my overall health involved not only adopting a healthy diet but also nurturing the harmony of my mind, body, and soul. I have achieved a balanced and spiritually enriched life through self-education and unwavering determination.

If you have a keen interest in expanding your knowledge on how to stop cancer, listen to the following video by Dr. Thomas Lodi.

If you wish to gain more knowledge, consider tuning in to the upcoming interview hosted by Chris Wark.


How to Eliminate Toxins from your Body

By eliminating toxins, I was able to reduce the strain on my immune system and facilitate the healing process. To enhance my holistic cancer care, I implemented the following changes:

Water Filter

Cold Press Juicer

Ceramic Cookware

Dish and Laundry Soap

Face & Body Soap




